9 July, 2013
Today’s original Abbott #BATTLERORT transcript was kindly transcribed by Dr Lachlan Hinds – @Doclach, and Brock Turner – @Turlow1.
There are errors and lies throughout – have a go at finding them by reading the letters in EXCLUSIVE: Abbott forced to repay $9,400 he charged taxpayers to promote his book.
Did you claim travel expenses on your book tour?
I did not.
(Transcript Source: Mr Abbott website)
Mr Abbott, how is Peter Slipper incorrectly claiming $900 and offering to pay it back different from you incorrectly claiming $9000 worth of travel expenses and then paying it back? How are the situations different?
Well look, this matter was fully dealt with last year. There’s nothing further to add.
Well he’s facing charges and you just got to pay $9000 back. How are those two situations different?
Well as I said, this matter was fully dealt with by the Labor minister last year who said that the matter was closed.
And why were the travel expenses incorrectly claimed? How did that happen? Can you explain what happened in your office that you incorrectly claimed $9000 worth of travel expenses?
The matter was fully dealt with last year.
But you’re not explaining how it occurred, why it occurred, why it happened in the first place?
As I said, it was an oversight in my office. It was fully dealt with last year.
Why did you use Comcars on your book tour? Surely you would have known when you were using the Comcars that you were on private business?
Fully dealt with last year. The Labor Minister at the time was perfectly satisfied that there had been nothing that was deliberately done wrong and the matter was closed.
Do you take responsibility for the mistake?
I think I’ve fully dealt with it. Time to move on.
It’s been reported that you have been forced to repay the amount? Are the reports inaccurate?
This was dealt with two years ago. This is old news. Old news. Now, why is Kevin Rudd now trying to dish this sort of dirt? Kevin Rudd came into the prime ministership a few days ago and he said let’s have a kinder, gentler polity. Now, that was a bit rich from someone who’d spent three years and three days plotting against a prime minister, but he called for a kinder, gentler polity and he called for positive politics. Now, we’ve got the Labor Party spinning this kind of stuff. Now, let’s move on.
It’s not the Labor Party. It’s an independent website who did an FOI?
Let’s move on. Let’s move on.
<Poll, boats, debt and deficit blah blah blah>
Mr Abbott, why didn’t you say yesterday you had incorrectly claimed those travel expenses?
Look, I think we’ve fully dealt with this. Gary Gray dealt with this…
You just repeated your lines over and over again to me you haven’t answered any questions.
Calm down. Gary Gray looked at this matter two years ago. He said there’s nothing to see here. Ok. Next question.
After you repaid. Do you take responsibility for the incorrect claim of $9,000?
I didn’t claim travel allowance. I never claimed travel allowance. My office inadvertently booked some travel as official, which should not have been booked that way. It’s been fully dealt with.
No, there were expenses. Gary Gray wrote back after you repaid the initial $6,000 and said there were travel expenses that had been claimed, such as comcars.
Ok. Are there any other questions?
What is your response to the Labor Party reforms for the Caucus and leadership with Kevin Rudd?
As I said, this is all about Kevin. This is all about Kevin. The faceless men did for Kevin before, and he wants to make sure that he’s protected against him if he gets another chance. Now, it shouldn’t be all about Kevin, it should be about the Australian people and the best thing that we can do right now is to ensure that the prime ministership of this country is in the hands of the Australian people. So, again I say to the Prime Minister, I say to Kevin Rudd, what are you hiding from? Give it back to the Australian people. Name the date, end the suspense, let’s have an election.
Will the Labor Party reforms neutralise your attack on the faceless men?
Well, it vindicates our attack on the faceless men. It absolutely vindicates our attack on the faceless men. It is an admission by Kevin Rudd that he is frightened of the faceless men. It is an admission by him that he is frightened of the faceless men. But the choice for the Australian people is between a party which is controlled by faceless men and a party which has always belonged to its members. The choice for the Australian people is between a party which doesn’t think it elects its leaders the right way and a party which has never had this kind of a problem. It’s a choice between debt and boats and the carbon tax on the one hand and between surpluses and deregulation and low tax and border security on the other hand. It’s the clearest possible choice and I say let the choice be made. Name the date, let’s have the election. Stop running away from it. Bring it on now, Mr Rudd.
[ends]For the Public Record:
Tony Abbott blames Kevin Rudd for dishing dirt over his travel expenses claim http://t.co/e0OQ27kX3w
— Emma Griffiths (@EJGriffiths) July 9, 2013
.@EJGriffiths, I uncovered Battlelines expenses via FOI early this year re Slipper summons. Labor input = zilch. Update story with truth?
— 📣Margo Kingston💧🔥 (@margokingston1) July 9, 2013
His #Battlerort lie re Labor smear typical of Abbott when cornered – when I pressed him on Hanson slush fund he accused me of being her mate
— 📣Margo Kingston💧🔥 (@margokingston1) July 9, 2013
Thank you @smh @theage @guardianaus @couriermail for acknowledging @NoFibs as source of #battlerort story. Only @ABC lacked class to do so.
— 📣Margo Kingston💧🔥 (@margokingston1) July 9, 2013