Artist Martin Davies.
@chriskkenny It's not a left/right issue but one of fairness why should TV & radio news be regulated but print news not? who's politicking?
— Emma Alberici (@albericie) March 14, 2013
@chriskkenny Broadcasters already regulated through ACMA what is wrong with PIMA ensuring press does what its own self-reg says it will?
— Emma Alberici (@albericie) March 14, 2013
@chriskkenny how exactly is it a blanket on press freedom to have self regulation strengthened but still self regulation? No legal sanctions
— Emma Alberici (@albericie) March 14, 2013
@vjboodie @chriskkenny like Productivity Commission? ACCC? FIRB? APRA? ASIC?
— Emma Alberici (@albericie) March 14, 2013
@chriskkenny only get sanctioned if you don't abide by rulings of your own self regulator .. where is the controversy?
— Emma Alberici (@albericie) March 14, 2013
@markatextor @chriskkenny have read a lot including the entire Finklestein Report. More people should
— Emma Alberici (@albericie) March 14, 2013
@markatextor @chriskkenny the report showed how ineffective the Press Council was .. until the threat of regulation suddenly gave it bite
— Emma Alberici (@albericie) March 14, 2013
@ColonelSandersP @chriskkenny @markatextor Show me how this is gov regulation .. that's what Finklestein wanted and Conroy said No
— Emma Alberici (@albericie) March 14, 2013
@chriskkenny what standards are you concerned about having to abide by?
— Emma Alberici (@albericie) March 14, 2013
@chriskkenny Read Finkelstein to see overwhelmingly public trusts ABC more than any other media org & we most heavily regulated of all
— Emma Alberici (@albericie) March 14, 2013
@chriskkenny @albericie they are standards set by the self-regulating body itself. Hardly ‘government standards’.
— Elliot G (@ElliotG78) March 14, 2013
@chriskkenny @ElliotG78 I am not a member of the ALP so you prove you have scant regard for truth or accuracy #getyourfactsright
— Emma Alberici (@albericie) March 14, 2013
@chriskkenny @ElliotG78 With freedom comes responsibility
— Emma Alberici (@albericie) March 14, 2013
@chriskkenny deferred to ALP/Greens? what are you on about? the only thing not acceptable is your flimsy arguments against regulation
— Emma Alberici (@albericie) March 14, 2013
@chriskkenny I am not advocating any such thing. I am asking you to justify your response to what is patently far from draconian
— Emma Alberici (@albericie) March 14, 2013
@steveathan don't presume to know anything about my politics. am arguing for a common sense approach to the media reform debate nothing more
— Emma Alberici (@albericie) March 14, 2013
Read more: My conversation with a Murdoch press release