#IndependentsDay candidate for #HumeVotes launch day thread.
— 📣Margo Kingston💧🔥 (@margokingston1) November 12, 2021
Breakfast at the Paragon Cafe, 1940 Art Deco spectacular, in Goulburn’s Main Street with @dginnivan before the launch of the @of_hume community independent candidate. Photo by our waitress Delia Lang. pic.twitter.com/jT0ds9poUh
Goulburn Showgrounds, the Veolia Arena, cold, windy, rain spits, the @of_hume community #IndependentsDay candidate at the entrance shaking hands. Crowd growing. #HUMEVOTES pic.twitter.com/HUdQOUGeXC
— 📣Margo Kingston💧🔥 (@margokingston1) November 12, 2021
3. ‘Uch ’ Perazza drove from Razorback near Picton to Goulburn for the launch of the @of_hume community #Independentsday candidate.
— 📣Margo Kingston💧🔥 (@margokingston1) November 12, 2021
“After 9 years of nothing from the Liberal Party for Hume we need someone who can instigate change for the better.” #HumeVotes pic.twitter.com/20U14tcBJZ
4. I meet @NoFibs #IndependentsDay candidate for #HumeVotes in 2019, Mr Huw Kingston – @Huw4Hume!
— 📣Margo Kingston💧🔥 (@margokingston1) November 12, 2021
He sowed the seeds for change here with a wonderful pop-up campaign.
“If it was important in 2019 for people to stand up for climate change & integrity it’s essential in 2022.” pic.twitter.com/l0r0y61GIv
5. @julia_zemiro, a #HumeVotes resident who will host the @of_hume community #IndependentsDay candidate launch, tells the 250+ crowd it’s a few minutes to showtime. #IndependentsDay pic.twitter.com/DmXltTUI74
— 📣Margo Kingston💧🔥 (@margokingston1) November 13, 2021
6. @Indigocathy chatting with attendees pre-launch of the 3rd ‘Voices for’ community #IndependentsDay candidate, in Federation seat #HumeVotes. So good that 2 of the first 3 are from regional Australia! @KyleaTink #NorthSydneyVotes@SuzieHolt4Groom #GroomVotes pic.twitter.com/dVfEq93PpI
— 📣Margo Kingston💧🔥 (@margokingston1) November 13, 2021
7. @julia_zemiro says the #IndependentsDay movement ‘is the community coming together and realising that they have a voice and they need to use it now.’#HumeVotes pic.twitter.com/HdyKNOiPa1
— 📣Margo Kingston💧🔥 (@margokingston1) November 13, 2021
8. Founder of Hume’s ‘Voices for’ community group @of_hume Matt Murfitt, says he was informed by #WarringahVotes and #IndiVotes models. The candidate involved early, set up Kitchen Table Conversations at the Goulburn markets. #HumeVotes pic.twitter.com/sS7cSL3LPB
— 📣Margo Kingston💧🔥 (@margokingston1) November 13, 2021
9. Please follow @PennyAckery, the ‘Voices for’ #IndependentsDay candidate for #HumeVotes. Huge seat, she asks who’s from Bundanoon, Maryland, so many little towns. A few missing – Penny says we need to work at that.
— 📣Margo Kingston💧🔥 (@margokingston1) November 13, 2021
“This is about rekindling our democracy.” pic.twitter.com/v9zHd3R8rn
Note: typo in above tweet, should be Marulan not Maryland.
Penny Ackery, the community independent candidate for #HumeVotes giving her Goulburn campaign launch address, highlighting key issues and concerns which the people of Hume have raised. Committing to focussing on them. Strong applause for her courage and conviction pic.twitter.com/t1BByMMbzs
— ‘Voices For’ Australia (@VoicesForAU) November 13, 2021
10. @pennyackery: Accountability of our MPs very important to #HumeVotes & a Federal Integrity Commission crucial – big applause. She acknowledges @indigocathy, who introduced FIC bill before she retired in 2019 and handed the matter to @helenhainesindi. @of_hume @VoteAngusOut pic.twitter.com/JZm9XghBkj
— 📣Margo Kingston💧🔥 (@margokingston1) November 13, 2021
11. Never seen this before – #HumeVotes is a campaign of many colours :) Take your pick, it seems – I went for purple. @PennyAckery #IndependentsDay pic.twitter.com/QHbhE3G4jM
— 📣Margo Kingston💧🔥 (@margokingston1) November 13, 2021
In the 250-plus crowd with some lovely people from Boorowa, Goulburn and Gunning.. at the @PennyAckery community independent campaign launch in Goulburn. The feeling here for change and responsible representation is palpable.. @of_hume #HumeVotes pic.twitter.com/HYYL4M3Yu5
— Denis Ginnivan (@dginnivan) November 13, 2021
I’m thrilled to be chosen as the community independent candidate for Hume at the 2022 federal election. We can do this! pic.twitter.com/TN0LAOalgF
— Penny Ackery (@PennyAckery) November 13, 2021
12. The audience at #HumeVotes is spellbound as @Indigocathy lays down the philosophy of community #IndependentsDay candidates and how it can Hume’s status as a ‘rusted-on” regional seat. And the MAGIC of being on the cross bench to make Govt BETTER. pic.twitter.com/karudMMEA3
— 📣Margo Kingston💧🔥 (@margokingston1) November 13, 2021
‘You need to get yourself into the ‘marginal seat’ category if you want to ‘get things’ for your electorate… As an Independent you are never in Opposition… Huge opportunities for #Hume if @PennyAckery wins.’ #Humevotes #auspol pic.twitter.com/TkZ194K7Td
— Sandra K Eckersley🔹 (@SandraEckersley) November 13, 2021
Young people under 25 need to be mobilized to help elect Independents. They are the invisible voters but if they can be encouraged to help, they can work their magic on social media! #Humevotes #auspol pic.twitter.com/7pPnFfesi8
— Sandra K Eckersley🔹 (@SandraEckersley) November 13, 2021
13. @indigocathy: @pennyackery needs 25,000 people to shift to her – 1 in 4 – up to Penny’s SUPPORTERS to do it. The IGNORED voters are under 25s – please hear them and let them know Penny can be thei t voice if they turn up. Please INVITE them in. #HumeVotes #IndependentsDay pic.twitter.com/A2VwOMygBK
— 📣Margo Kingston💧🔥 (@margokingston1) November 13, 2021
14. Gee it’s nice meeting Tweeps you’ve known for ages but never seen. Hello @SandraEckersley, who’s visiting from the South Coast to lend her support to #IndependentsDay “because it is the only community voice now and independents will play a key role in the next Govt.” pic.twitter.com/QOB5DhtU5L
— 📣Margo Kingston💧🔥 (@margokingston1) November 13, 2021
15. Virginia King, Crookwell, a @of_hume KTC facilitator, toasts #HumeVotes’ candidate @PennyAckery.
— 📣Margo Kingston💧🔥 (@margokingston1) November 13, 2021
She’ll do fliers, stickers, T-shirts, polling booths. Why?
“We’re heading down the Trump route. I want Govt integrity & action on climate for my grandchildren’s future.” pic.twitter.com/gXac0UvH9w
16. Can’t believe that @simonahac & have never actually met! He was in the audience for the launch of the @of_hume choice for community #IndependentsDay candidate @PennyAckery due to being in the area collecting his daughter. #HumeVotes pic.twitter.com/iBIhUR8F3n
— 📣Margo Kingston💧🔥 (@margokingston1) November 13, 2021
17. @gill_betty & @Agent8610 drove up from Camden in the northern end of #HumeVotes and will rev interest up there for @pennyackerly.
— 📣Margo Kingston💧🔥 (@margokingston1) November 13, 2021
Max: “I’m worried about the place we live in & I’m over the lying by Morrison and Taylor. We need standards again.” #IndependentsDay pic.twitter.com/4PhnuHzoNH
18. The @jamesmassola interview with @PennyAckery for the @smh. #HumeVotes #IndependentsDay https://t.co/I5BcmgnZrk
— 📣Margo Kingston💧🔥 (@margokingston1) November 13, 2021
19. First Tweet by 3rd ‘Voices for’ community #IndependentsDay candidate – 1 inner Sydney, 2 in regional Qld & NSW.@KyleaTink #NorthSydneyVotes@SuzieHolt4Groom #GroomVotes @PennyAckery #HumeVotes.
— 📣Margo Kingston💧🔥 (@margokingston1) November 13, 2021
Please follow and support these 3 gutsy women who want to serve, not use. https://t.co/252AZCsrdc
20. The @PennyAckery #HumeVotes campaign has many colours and one logo – Your Community Independent for Hume.
— 📣Margo Kingston💧🔥 (@margokingston1) November 13, 2021
Car stickers – pic.twitter.com/aas3wSRd7j
Cathy McGowan #HumeVotes speech: #IndependentsDay an opportunity for a “better choice”