David Marler

David Marler

Queensland reporter at No Fibs
David is a full time Queensland carer for his son and in quiet times contributes to NoFibs.
David Marler

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David Marler
Marriage equality is the topic of this week’s Gold Kenny award.

The Mike Carlton inspired Gold Kenny award for this week has been awarded to the Australian Christian Lobby’s managing director Lyle Shelton and anti-marriage equality campaigner Cella White for their ‘No’ to marriage equality advertisement effort.

In the ad, Ms White claimed that her son was told by his school that he could wear a dress. This was given as a reason why Australians should vote ‘No’ in the upcoming postal survey on marriage equality.

However, Frankston High School principal John Albiston, where the schoolboy attends, disputed the claim saying, “We followed that up with classroom teachers of the boy – never has that been said by anyone.”

Mr Shelton tweeted that Ms White’s children were sure of what they heard.

Mr Shelton also congratulated the Mums for speaking up.

The ad inspired memes.

Many Tweeps also pointed out that Liberal Party member and Marriage Alliance spokeswoman Sophie York appeared in the ad.


Ms York also made headlines at the July NSW Liberal Party convention for her claim that, “not everyone with a low IQ votes Labor”.

In April, Ms York also claimed on ABC News that the marriage equality campaign could be an occupational, health and safety issue.

The ad also inspired a parody hosted on The Guardian and featured columnist Van Badham; ‘My child is a bird’

The Project also parodied the ad.

Other contenders for the Gold Kenny this week

Last week’s winner
