@1millionwomen thanks – was 41 degrees today, hard yakka in full sun @NoFibs
BREAKING: #leardblockade continues with protestor suspended 25m high in two Red Gums. #coal http://www.lockthegate.org.au/leard_blockade_continues …
@margokingston1 @skirby11 @hdrebner @ANZ_AU @AustralianOpen #ANZ funding this destruction & #ausopen. RT to inform spectators #leardblockade
“@pallisier: @Trev_t4e @margokingston1 Yes, this is the new reality. Development at any cost!” #leardblockade
.@pallisier why #whitehaven coal rail line didn’t go round old Red River Gums along Namoi River – anyone know? #leardblockade
hey @margokingston1 how you doing in that heat? Great coverage from #leardblockade
@peacenicsta 3 fully clothed swims in Namoi River every day.
@margokingston1 @kateausburn so sad. When are shitehaven going to realise we can’t eat coal?
@iainp327 #whitwhaven bought up many farms around Laird Forest – becoming an industrial area #leardblockade @kateausburn
“@eldonnn: the ridiculous irony of trading CO2 siphons and coolers for CO2 producers and polluters @margokingston1” #leardblockade
“@borislav_TU: @margokingston1 Can picture it. Just like Latrobe Valley. Lots of dust, heat, fire risk, pollution for river” #leardblockade
“@EmilEvers – do planning cond’s stipulate offsets? Usually if a tree felled one must be protected elsewhere.” Anyone know? #leardblockade
BREAKING: Mayor went to main #leardblockade camp this morning – special meeting will declare high fire risk, eviction from all road reserves
Funny – last week NSW Govt closed Leard/Pilliga forests for ‘fire risk’ – none other. Now Council under pressure to shut down #leardblockade
Local farmer @Phil_Laird1 & ecologist Phil Spark to urge Narrabri Council at special meeting tomorrow not to evict #leardblockade camps.
“@jaraparilla: if all citizens are to be banned from high fire risk areas, Sydney’s Eastern Suburbs will get VERY crowded.” #leardblockade
Looks like State and local govts are selectively using ‘fire risk’ to close down coal & CSG protests in the Narrabri region. #leardblockade
“@maggieatlas: @margokingston1 @jaraparilla Wonder what emergency plans of local councils for people & animals” #leardblockade
@margokingston1 It seems so.How can there be selective fire risks?Why are excavators and tree removers not risks and at risk?#leardblockade
NEWS: Narrabri Council to announce plan to evict protest camp from site near Leard State Forest. http://leardstateforest.tumblr.com/post/73894773343/narrabri-council-to-announce-plan-to-evict-protest … #leardblockade
The camp nr Leard Forest has been in place since August 2012 – Whitehaven commenced work on Maules Ck coal mine this month. #leardblockade
If the #leardblockade shd be removed from public land, then Whitehaven shd be too. It’s a public forest. #saveleard from #coal
@margokingston1 Was the fracking site equally declared high fire risk & road closed? STAY PUT. Manipulation to protesters. Evicted, mine win
@jan_olson of course not! It’s a scam.
@margokingston1 They can only ask/invite you to leave.STAY.Our road.Remind police they are servants to serve & protect us,not corp officers.
Are the #Leardblockade protesters against the one mine (Whitehaven)? or are they protesting against fossil fuels in general?
@NostromoHicks an alliance, range of big-pic views, all agreed wring to destroy a forest for this coal mine
That’s it from me at #leardblockade. Heading home…
Tree-sitter was up a River Red Gum by Namoi River all day stopping Whitehaven’s bulldozers. He was removed by cherry picker. #leardblockade
Shower, hair-wash, water from a tap, sweat-and-fly-free. Heaven. #leardblockade strips you down. Gee I admire front-line eco-warriors.
To those who thanked me for reporting #leardblockade, that’s all I did. I thank those who do the work, take the risks, face the consequences
A symbol of resistance! Tree stands strong for #forests!
“River Red Gum killed today at #leardblockade: http://youtu.be/KaYsXEYwSx4 v @YouTube “ -
the #leardblockade against new coal mine has a big event this weekend, starting Jan 25: https://www.facebook.com/events/1399601110291032/ …
Narrabri Courier report: Council votes to move on protest campers. http://www.thecourier.net.au/news-feed/item/1847-council-votes-to-move-on-protest-campers … #leardblockade
.@kateausburn an excellent report on the passionate special Narrabri Council meeting to evict #leardblockade camp – know who wrote it?