War veteran fights for the future http://www.northerndailyleader.com.au/story/2052094/war-veteran-fights-for-the-future/ … via @The_NDL #leardblockade pic with @kodivine 21 pic.twitter.com/rk1wZguO4e
Should we put our bodies on the line to protest? That’s today’s Daily Dilemma from @TheHoopla: http://thehoopla.com.au/protest-101/ #studio10 #hoopladd
“This blockade’s given our community hope that we r not just collateral damage of the coal industry” http://ow.ly/t2ZxC #leardblockade
@GregHuntMP when will you respond to the Gomeroi at #leardblockade? Are you waiting until all their sacred sites are destroyed?
@GregHuntMP when will you investigate the lies Whitehaven told about biodiversity offsets? When the forest is destroyed? #leardblockade
The #leardblockade is really inspiring. Should more of us be willing to put our bodies on the line to protest? http://ow.ly/t373X
Driving home from #leardblockade looking at Greenpeace photos – which one expresses the essence? pic.twitter.com/hGN5DYbJ8s
Is this the #leardblockade image that tells the story? pic.twitter.com/VZOa1tvbuT
“@Studio10au: Should we put our bodies on the line to protest? Daily Dilemma from @TheHoopla: http://thehoopla.com.au/protest-101/ ” #leardblockade
Hi @gabriellecj – any @TheHoopla readers think it’s time to put body on line? http://ow.ly/t373X #leardblockade pic.twitter.com/XEbLrTgGBV
.@paulbevo speaks to @margokingston1 about #leardblockade a space for coverage and debate re: Maules Creek mine. http://bit.ly/MrIumf
Now we’re talking Royal Commissions, how on earth did NSW/Fed Govt allow #Whitehaven to fell a forest for a coal mine? #leardblockade
#Leardblockade: Twitter portraits from the frontline at Maules Creek, by @margokingston1 http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2014/jan/29/leard-blockade-twitter-portraits-from-the-frontline-at-maules-creek …
Leard blockade: Twitter portraits from the frontline at Maules Creek | Margo Kingston http://trib.al/Lu36Jbk
Twitter portraits from an anti-mining blockade – by @margokingston1 http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2014/jan/29/leard-blockade-twitter-portraits-from-the-frontline-at-maules-creek … #climatechange
300km SW @margokingston1 work begins on Australia’s largest solar PV plant http://shar.es/UTnNv #leardblockade
Kokoda Trail veteran Bill Ryan and I at #leardblockade yesterday speak with @paulbevo at @1233newcastle via @vespanat http://bit.ly/MrIumf
Internet pioneer @margokingston1 again in front of pack with grassroots reporting that too many mainstream ignore
http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2014/jan/29/leard-blockade-twitter-portraits-from-the-frontline-at-maules-creek … -
More protest outside Whitehaven offices as protestors demand “independent” offsets review. #leardblockade pic.twitter.com/b4wlWUWPzk
#leardblockade Clarion page 1 lead: Greenpeace Australia Pacific » Blog Archiv… http://www.greenpeace.org.au/blog/blockade-swells-to-over-100-at-australias-largest-new-coal-mine …, see more http://tweetedtimes.com/search/{17ac88c265afb328fa89088ab635a2a63864fdefdd7caa0964376053e8ea14b3}23leardblockade/en …
#SEWPaC confirms investigation re Whitehaven false & misleading claims #leardblockade #auspol @GregHuntMP Rpt Date? pic.twitter.com/GNsY4ZVnvI
Petition launched to protect sacred sites at Maules Creek mine| Mining Australia: http://www.miningaustralia.com.au/news/traditional-owners-launch-petition-to-protect-sacr#.UuiJszEzdMo.twitter … via @ozmining #leardblockade #coal
@nitmarluk she is terrific. She understands difference between facts & values. Acknowledges both. Sadly most journos don’t.
RT @MaulesCreek: More protest outside Whitehaven as protestors demand “independent” offsets review. #leardblockade pic.twitter.com/lkzf7UtheC
Here’s my live interview with @paulbevo on @1233newcastle last Friday which previewed yesterday’s #leardblockade https://m.soundcloud.com/1233newcastle/citizen-journo-margo-kingston …
@andrew_thaler @CorruptNSW @margokingston1 Bank bailout & dubious govt ties #Whitehaven still in deep shit #leardblockade #ausbiz #austocks
November 2013 Reuters story on #Whitehaven trouble via @2squig – #leardblockade http://mobile.reuters.com/article/idUSL3N0IM0GQ20131103?irpc=932 …
@margokingston1 over 13y global coal price trend may not be friend. What’s the mine’s assumed price? #leardblockade pic.twitter.com/lUaLWImsiw
Sharyn Munro at #leardblockade – wrote ‘Rich Land, Wasteland; How coal is killing Australia’ http://richlandwasteland.com/ pic.twitter.com/xj5BbhX4m2
@margokingston1 I was one person in a team of heroes, in an action of heroes. So many incredible people got me up that pole, I got lucky!!
@georgefwoods @margokingston1 @GregHuntMP Surely investigation of possible offence by Whitehaven=suspension of mining action #leardblockade
An uncanny alliance of protesters is preventing a global company from clearing a state forest #leardblockade http://bit.ly/1i8iJSi
@macavitykat did u take pic or were you pole-dancing! I hear this was your first time up a pole! #leardblockade pic.twitter.com/yS8wS7DEot
“margokingston1 LockTheGate Whitehaven C…” #leardblockade #auspol #nswpol http://www.supernoder.com/newsium.php?ref=LocktheGate …
GREAT @Studio10au #LEARDBLOCKADE video now at HOW TO PROTEST 101 http://shar.es/UTzx3 by @gabriellecj via @TheHoopla
@TheHoopla the amazing monople hero in your #leardblockade story is @macavitykat lives in Melbourne, first-timer. pic.twitter.com/Uei8EQA3TH
Check out @NoFibs Geek @geeksrulz tribute video for the #leardblockade volunteers I photographed. http://bit.ly/1dMXTCN
@ANZ_AU how about you support a safe climate at the #Ausopen by ethical investment not funding Whitehaven Coal #Leardblockade #heatwave
Hi @deborahlevoy – @NoFibs chose your song ‘The Time has Come’ as theme of our tribute to #leardblockade volunteers http://bit.ly/1dMXTCN
Favourite photo thus far from the 100+ passionate activists at the #leardblockade. #endcoal to halt #climatechange! pic.twitter.com/MxvjMgKzdG
@bulga99 @margokingston1 WHC trend. Renegotiated int.coverage ratio test, unforeseen delays? http://www.whitehavencoal.com.au/investors/docs/december-quarterly-report-2013.pdf … pic.twitter.com/hb5hj6qUzs