Artist Martin Davies.
By Margo Kingston
March 17, 2013
Public support will be crucial to the success of the media reforms. Please contact the following key politicians whose decisions will determine the outcome. You CAN make a difference.
This list was kindly compiled by Barry Tucker @btckr
Adam Bandt Twitter @adambandt
Facebook http://www.facebook.com/Adam.Bandt.MP
email [email protected]
Canberra (02) 6277 4775
FAX ACT (02) 6277 8583
Rob Oakeshott Twitter @OakeyMP
Facebook http://www.facebook.com/people/Robert-Oakeshott/1415774696
email http://www.aph.gov.au/R_Oakeshott_MP
Canberra (02) 6277 4052
FAX: (02) 6277 8403
Andrew Wilkie Twitter @WilkieMP
Facebook http://www.facebook.com/andrewwilkiemp
Canberra (02) 6277 4766
FAX: (02) 6277 8579
Tony Windsor Twitter @TonyWindsorMP
emails www.aph.gov.au/T_Windsor_MP |
[email protected]
Canberra (02) 6277 4722
FAX: (02) 6277 8545
Craig Thomson @DobellThommo
No Facebook
Website http://www.aph.gov.au/C_Thomson_MP
no email
Canberra (02) 6277 4460
FAX: (02) 6277 2123
Bob Katter @RealBobKatter
Facebook http://www.facebook.com/bobkattermp
email [email protected]
Personal website http://www.bobkatter.com.au/
Party website http://www.ausparty.org.au/
Canberra (02) 6277 4978
FAX: (02) 6277 8558
Tony Crook
email http://www.tonycrook.com.au/contact.aspx
Kalgoorlie Office
Phone (08) 9021 1241
Mobile 1300 772 061
FAX (08) 9021 1506
Peter Slipper
Facebook http://www.facebook.com/PeterSlipperMP
email [email protected]
Website http://www.peterslippermp.com.au/
Canberra (02) 6277 4490
FAX: (02) 6277 8405
The Nationals (traditional supporters of media diversity)
Warren Truss
Personal website http://www.warrentruss.com/
PARTY website http://www.nationals.org.au/
Canberra (02) 6277 4482
FAX: (02) 6277 8569
Senator Barnaby Joyce @Barnaby_Joyce
Email [email protected]
Personal website http://www.barnabyjoyce.com.au/
Canerra (02) 6277 3244
FAX: (02) 6277 3246
Darren Chester
Personal website http://www.darrenchester.com.au/
Canberra (02) 6277 4029
Fax: (02) 6277 8402
George Christensen
Twitter @GChristensenMP
Canberra (02) 6277 4538
Fax: (02) 6277 8508
John Cobb
email [email protected]
website http://www.johncobb.com.au/
Canberra (02) 6277 4721
Fax: (02) 6277 8543
John Forrest
email [email protected]
website http://www.jforrest.com/
Canberra (02) 6277 4550
Fax: (02) 6277 8532
Luke Hartsuyker
email [email protected]
website http://www.lukehartsuyker.com.au/
Canberra (02) 6277 4447
Fax: (02) 6277 8410
Michael MCormack
Twitter @M_McCormackMP
Facebook http://www.facebook.com/people/Michael-McCormack/100002102184276
Website http://www.michaelmccormack.com.au/
Canberra (02) 6277 4725
Fax: (02) 6277 8563
Mark Coulton
Facebook http://www.facebook.com/people/Mark-Coulton/732382571
email [email protected]
Personal website http://www.markcoulton.com.au/
Canberra (02) 6277 4607
Fax: (02) 6277 8504
Paul Neville
email [email protected]
Personal website http://www.paulneville.com.au/
Canberra (02) 6277 4940
Fax: (02) 6277 8559
Ken O’Dowd
Personal website http://www.kenodowd.com.au/
Canberra (02) 6277 4380
Fax: (02) 6277 8495
Bruce Scott
email [email protected]
Personal website http://www.maranoa.info/
Canberra (02) 6277 4949
Fax: (02) 6277 8421