12th December Justice Rares hands down his ruling
Ashby v Commonwealth of Australia (No 4) [2012] FCA 1411
Ms Doane asked Mr Ashby to provide details of Mr Brough’s email address so that she could send through her updated curriculum vitae and s… -
Dip my hat to @latingle – she knew back in April there was something rotten in the Slipper hunt. afr.com/p/opinion/no_one_st…
No one stays clean in a mud fight
Tony Abbott, right, said ‘everyone in the Parliament was aware of rumours’ about Peter Slipper. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen Laura Tingle For… -
@GoneHomeR @auselectoralcom
Appeal won’t stop intense investigation by journos – they will go for it after being Conned by Libs twice. -
MT “Every_Day_Man: @margokingston1 Thought this might be of interest:. nah-seriously.blogspot.com/…” One citizen’s reflection on an incredible week!
Nah Seriously: Not Even A Week In Politics
Politics. It has no relation to morals, as Machiavelli once said. Ain’t that the truth. Number 1 would have to be the Slipper/Ashby affai… -
13th December 2012 -Media and Social Media coverage of Justice Rares ruling
Given that Justice Rares basically said #AshbyGate was a plot to bring down the GovT why has no media outlet reported who is funding #Ashby?
Wonder if any of Abbott’s secret donors to his plan to destroy Hanson in the courts funded #AshbyGate?
Daily Telegraph ranks Ashby-Brough-LNP scandal behind ABolt anti-Labor diatribe & a story about Bundy the Dog riding on a motorbike #auspol
The Daily Telegraph the day after Justice Rares ruling on 13th December 2012
Have I missed something ? Oh no, there it is on p. 17.
Just signed the petition for an inquiry into #ashbygate change.org/petitions/attorn…
@CraigEmersonMP Didn’t The Tele go hard page 1 with the Ashby writ? Their scoop? Hardly fair to readers to downplay the result.
.@margokingston1 Any further back in today’s Telegraph and the Brough-Ashby-LNP scandal would have made the sports section. #auspol
In my opinion that is verging on corrupt and I would not consider the editor to be a journalist. -
@margokingston1 @CraigEmersonMP The headline ‘Court rejects Slipper case’ is wrong too. The court upheld Slipper’s case & rejected Ashby’s.
@CraigEmersonMP @margokingston1 If it bleeds it leads, if it’s a smear let’s hear, if it’s the unadorned truth, Struth Mate how uncouth!
If the Ashby/Slipper judgment had happened in the US, the Washington Post would be pouring all its investigative resources into it.
Hockey lied about meeting Brough. Pyne lied about meeting Ashby. Brough lied about meeting Ashby. Bishop lied about Blewitt. See a pattern?
@CraigEmersonMP just made it to page 17 of the crappy Advertiser this morning.. @margokingston1
@margokingston1 @CraigEmersonMP LNP have to defend their Brough candidate against his breaking of LNP Ethics code lnp.org.au/images/stories/d…
@CraigEmersonMP Does the code of ethics have anything to say about such manifestly unfair coverage?
Code of Conduct | thetelegraph.com.au
The policy of our publications across all platforms This policy applies to News Limited and its editorial employees in both print and dig… -
@CraigEmersonMP @psyvret
I ‘d say clear breach .of Press Council principles 1 and 6. presscouncil.org.au/stateme… -
Statements of Principles – Australian Press Council
The Council’s Statements of Principles are binding on all publications which are subject to its jurisdiction. They comprise the General S… -
@cameron1971 @craigemersonmp
This the piece on P17 of Tele? Only one? No mention of comments re Tele’s reporter? dailytelegraph.com.au/news/… -
‘From Watergate to Ashbygate – Front Pages on Slipper Scandal’
australiansforhonestpolitic… -
From Watergate to Ashbygate
@MeddlesomPriest @latingle @hannahlow3
I congratulated @latingle & @jesswrightstuff. Send links and glad to do same to all who had a go! -
Rival Brough met Slipper accuser: claim
ANOTHER prominent Liberal is said to have met the staffer at the centre of sexual harassment allegations against Speaker Peter Slipper in… -
@cameron1971 @margokingston1 Both are noble pursuits.As a well respected former member of Press Galley, Margot has standing.Her views count.
@CraigEmersonMP @psyvret
Who cares? Maybe an expert in press council process could draft a complaint and concerned citizens could sign up? -
Standards – Australian Press Council
The Council’s Standards of Practice relating to print media and associated digital outlets are contained in its: The Statements of Princi… -
@KasiaCichonska @cameron1971 @craigemersonmp Ok, how about an expert in press council complaints draft one up and concerned citizens sign up
@CraigEmersonMP why aren’t MSM following this further? LNP had tried, convicted and hung slipper…now they go quiet. It’s v wrong.
@MarkyMarcInc @CraigEmersonMP You tell me a media outlet that is impartial enough to report the Ashby affair with same dedication as AWU
Latest revelations from #AshbyGate expert Vince O ‘Grady in @independentaus – independentaustralia.net/20…”
The tragedy of Ashby and Slipper: Act Four
In the wake of Justice Rares damning judgement against James Ashby and his co-conspirators, Vince O’Grady provides more stunning revelati… -
Ashby: Absolute privilege, Scandalous, damaging & irrelevant allegations & an Abuse of the Court process sfy.co/gCeD @mansillo
Ashby v Commonwealth of Australia (No 4) [2012] FCA 1411 (Wednesday 12 December 2012) #AshbyGate #Ashby #Slipper #AshbyConspiracy #LNPCon…
@geeksrulz @SpudBenBean b/c sedition laws were amended to require ‘urging violence’, s28 Crimes Act is prob more applicable
14th December 2012
How social media put truth into play on AWU smear abc.net.au/unleashed/442572… by @timdunlop. Reckon it was phase 1 of twitter blowback.
The new front page of Australian politics – The Drum Opinion (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
Would Julia Gillard still be Prime Minister if there was no such thing as social media? Much of the media work this year has been legitim… -
@margokingston1 @Pollytics The DT & stable-mates will plunge into an anechoic zone on this.
“@geeksrulz: @SabraLane to PM: Has the Government over-egged this? – Here’s your answer Sabra youtu.be/rD1lpAiDXfw”Our media is bent.
Bought the papers today. Where r the news features, the reads, on #ashbygate? Where is the analysis, the questions on Ashby’s funding? …
… In my day # ashbygate would have filled pages in news and on Sat. features. What has happened and why?Please explain! I’m in shock.
@margokingston1 dunno. You explain it to us. You’re a journalist.
@margokingston1 so true. A scathing court decision. Unknown funders. The @sortius blog – I don’t understand it all but seen no counterarg
@MargaretOConno5 Left journalism 7 years ago. Withdrew from scene to recover my health. Is it speed of news? Fewer journos? Management?
@profsarahj @sortius
@lenoretaylor was permitted a short questioning column m.smh.com.au/opinion/politi… -
It may not be Watergate but more explanation is needed
Illustration: michaelmucci.com Within about 16 hours of James Ashby lodging his sexual harassment claim against Peter Slipper in April, T… -
Help! Can’t find a news story on Gillard/Abbott response to #ashbygate in S or M Murdoch tabloids. Or any trace of story. Can’t be true.
@margokingston1 Margo, dont despair. @latikambourke interviewed @JulieBishopMP this morning for abt 20mins. #AshbyGate? what #AshbyGate
@Antibolt @geeksrulz @SabraLane @margokingston1 this is brilliant work all those headlines thankyou
youtube.com/watch?v=rD1lpAi… -
@margokingston1 I’d say ask @latikambourke herself but she’s blocked her account
@margokingston1 @lynlinking @latikambourke Me too. Keen to know if JBishop was questioned on her lie about discussions with Blewitt.
@lynlinking @CraigEmersonMP @margokingston1 It doesn’t appear the video is up, but a transcript is here tveeder.com/byrange?&from=1…
@ABCNews24 Hi. I’m told @latikambourke interviewed Julie Bishop this morning, but I can’t find a transcript. Could you direct me to it?
“@go4hat: @margokingston1 twitter.com/tveedercom/stat…” Oh yes, here’s the transcript – I’m following @go4hat! No mention of #Asgbygate.
I am appalled & disturbed at failure of @latikambourke to mention Ashby saga in Bishop interview. But won’t lodge complaint about a journo.
I am and have always been a strong supporter of the ABC. Its complaints system is rigorous & fair. Any viewer can complain. I won’t.
OK, is it incontrovertible that there is no mention of Ashby story or response of the PM/ Opposition leader in today’s Tele and Herald Sun?
OK, is it incontrovertible that there is no mention of Ashby story or response of the PM/ Opposition leader in today’s Tele and Herald Sun?
@margokingston1 There are quotes about it from Gillard, Abbott and Mike Kelly in the Tele’s “They Said It” section, but that looks like it
@PollBludger Thank you, William. You got the page? Can’t find it. Herald Sun, anyone? Advertiser? Courier Mail? Gold Coast Bulletin? etc?
@PollBludger Ok – anyone got or can get today’s hard copy Tele? Perhaps we could get the info for hard copy and online?
@PeterLewisEMC @PollBludger Got it! Any info on Herald Sun, other Murdoch tabloids? Rumoured that M. journos told to write nothing…
So what now for serous media? My June ideas and those of others in @abcthedrum at abc.net.au/unleashed/408690…. Maybe a Coalition of the Willing?
Independent media must take Fairfax’s place – The Drum Opinion (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
Fairfax hasn’t done the job of serious, gutsy competition for years, but at least it was there. Now independent media must take its place… -
ABC 24 Weekend Breakfast , Transcript 15th December 2012
juliebishop.com.au/transcri… -
Julie Bishop – Member for Curtin
15 December 2012 This mass shooting is utterly incomprehensible. It’s a terrible tragedy and on behalf of the Coalition I extend our deep… -
@lynlinking Unusual for me, but I’m speechless. @margokingston1
@SpaceKidette @craigemersonmp @lynlinking @margokingston1 Also Latika did not ask about JBishops pursuit of AWU matter, and about Blewitt
@lynlinking @craigemersonmp
I reckon undercover twitter transcript we got yesterday forced their hand. -
I’m not crazy – @THEMONTHLY also notes ‘scandalous’ lack of MSM interest’ in AshbyGate: themonthly.com.au/politicoz…
@benmoretti @funholeno_5 @watermelon_man @themonthly
Ben, do u have a list of MSM editors? They are usually the problem, not the journos. -
@awelder your piece on media coverage of Abbott & Ashbygate great. No better read than one from a liberated insider. andrewelder.blogspot.com.au…