Storify by Tony Yegles
23 October, 2013
Women In Media Launch
With a panel of inspirational women in @spicertracey @CJaustory, Vicki Laurie and Philippa McDonald @WIM_Aus
In Sydney for #womeninmedia launch by Caroline Jones and @spicertracey……
I meet my first journo hero at #womeninmedia – and she loved @NoFibs #Indivotes coverage! @CJaustory…
I meet @meadea after 18 years – last together in SMH Canberra bureau when it flew way too high. #womeninmedia…
Anticipation building in the room before the launch of @wim_aus #womeninmedia…
Host @spicertracey gearing up for the national launch of @WIM_Aus hosted by UTS #womeninmedia #MEAAmedia…
I meet @JennaPrice – flogged journos to do next day ‘Agenda’ news features in SMH heyday. Scary, great #womeninmedia…
Hope everyone enjoys the launch of @WIM_Aus – sad not to be there but @spicertracey & @CJaustory will be ace. #womeninmedia #MEAAmedia
Nice to see a few gents in the crowd at the #womeninmedia launch!
I meet @AmandaAtLarge, features editor in my time, first female SMH editor, fought hard for quality #womeninmedia…
And we are underway at the @WIM_Aus launch! Huge crowd in attendance big congrats to the organisers! #womeninmedia…
Frank Sinatra described women in media as hookers. And Mark Latham continued the conversation. Sigh. #womeninmedia
Girl power at the national #womeninmedia launch…
And remembering the Geoffrey Barker column. Hair. Breasts. Teeth. @spicertracey reminds us #womeninmedia
The clever and talented @spicertracey launches #womeninmedia
In great company tonight #womeninmedia…
When @spicertracey wrote Dear Mr Misogynist, women wrote to her sayiing things had improved, but not enough #womeninmedia
At the inaugural launch of #womeninmedia !…
Packed event for launch of #womeninmedia. In Sydney. we’ve come a long way but long way to go
At #womeninmedia launch @spicertracey says WiM is a celebration and a battle cry
Totally feeling the love at #womeninmedia
@WIM_Aus @walkleys #womeninmedia: @spicertracey. We allhave a story. A Celebration & Call to arms @JointDestroyer…
Caroline Jones has been with @abc for 50 yrs. She is a legend for Australian #womeninmedia. She is speaking now
Caroline, in her humble way, makes fun of herself. And was glad to be confused with @GeraldineDoogue #womeninmedia
What will #womeninmedia achieve. Caroline left Gosford High trying to get a cadetship. It took her 7 years to get into journalism
.@CJaustory: it is amazing to see so many of you here tonight, it is a dream come true.. #womeninmedia @WIM_Aus
In her mid20s, Caroline Jones was working in Canberra and got an informal traineeships. Did a bit of everything. #womeninmedia
Starting regionally was terrific. Caroline Jones. #womeninmedia
#womeninmedia @CJaustory I just had this feeling there was something else I was meant to do.. @spicertracey
I couldn’t explain why settling down was not for me in 1960s, There was something more for me – journalism says Jones #womeninmedia launch
She was the only woman and then men thought of her as a pet. Caroline Jones. #womeninmedia
Caroline Jones smoked long black Danish cigars. Thought she was marvellously sophisticated. #womeninmedia
“And here we are… so many, so bright, so well educated.” A beautiful and emotional opening from the legendary Caroline Jones #womeninmedia
“Like hearing the voice of god”, being offered a job with ABC This day tonight in Sydney, @CJaustory says. #womeninmedia
.@CJaustory “I think being the only woman, I wasn’t any sort of competition – they thought of me more as a pet” … @wim_aus #womeninmedia
The ABC’s @CJaustory talks about being the only female reporter on TDT and how the men thought of her as a “pet” #womeninmedia
But she learned to tell a story. She knew if she did that job as well as she could, she would open the door to other women #womeninmedia
“I became somewhat of a pet for the men who worked on This Day Tonight: drank with them and smoked a long cigar.” @CJaustory #womeninmedia
Then she went to 4Corners. Feminism had only just started and it hadn’t reached the men of the press. Caroline Jones. #womeninmedia
@WIM_Aus: It begins! @spicertracey intros @CJaustory – she’s notched up 50 years with the abc this year! @wim_aus #womeninmedia …
Has an Australian Story been done about @cjaustory? If not, should be judging by her talk at #womeninmedia
@CJaustory Caroline Jones on her first job on national TV: “I think they thought of me more as a pet”.. #womeninmedia
The headline that greeted @CJaustory when she got the hosting job: ‘Girl to Host Four Corners’. #womeninmedia
She allowed herself to be photographed sitting on a bar school, in a mini skirt and putting on lipstick. Caroline Jones. #womeninmedia
I think they thought of me as some sort of pet says Jones of 1960s ABCcolleagues. I was the anchor & only journalist @4corners #womeninmedia
The male reporter said, she smells very feminism. Caroline Jones. #womeninmedia
The Daily Tele reporter said the Jones girl does not particularly appeal to me as a sex symbol. Caroline Jones. #womeninmedia
At #womeninmedia launch @CJaustory being so generous with her history to inspire new generation of women…
A panel of inspirational women @spicertracey @CJaustory, Vicki Laurie and Philippa McDonald @WIM_Aus #womeninmedia…
She says she had a dream run @CJaustory #womeninmedia
She wishes she had put more time to friends and networking. Still suffers from information overload. @CJaustory #womeninmedia
I wanted to be a good girl. I wanted them to see me as no trouble. @CJaustory #womeninmedia
#womeninmedia. Value and nurture friendships thru your career
I really needed some assertiveness training. @CJaustory #womeninmedia
Listening 2 Caroline Jones’ inspiring story & advice on values of mentors at #womeninmedia @walkleys @mediaalliance…
And she talks about feeling not good enough, “they” will find out you are not good enough. @CJaustory #womeninmedia
I never made very much money, says @CJ austory, and I never knew how to ask for money #womeninmedia
Inspirational @CJaustory sharing her journey at #womeninmedia – her ? How many of u think ur not good enuff elicits agreement
Women accept the money as non-negotiable @CJaustory #womeninmedia
So, so many things @CJaustory is saying still very strongly resonate with me. #womeninmedia
The big issue is how to balance a family and a career. There is some sadness I didn’t have children, says @CJ austory #womeninmedia
So, so many things @CJaustory is saying still very strongly resonate with me. #womeninmedia
We hope it will be effective, companionable, reaching out @CJaustory #womeninmedia
Caroline – men self-nominate, women wait to be picked. Men ask for more $, women don’t. #womeninmedia
We love men. We just want to be equal. Yes, I am paraphrasing. @CJaustory #womeninmedia
“A lightbulb going on”, is how @CJaustory felt on first reading about Imposter Syndrome #womeninmedia
Caroline mentions our series @newmatilda. One out today & more on the way. you can be involved #womeninmedia… -
#Womeninmedia is not anti-men, says @CJaustory. Just about creating a level playing field.
Caroline Jones, patron of @WIM_Aus “journalism matters..for everyone” #womeninmedia
‘Journalism matters for a just and humane society’ – Caroline Jones. Women mentoring women to keep us in play #womeninmedia
It is a privilege to work in the media (also a challenge) says @CJaustory to a standing ovation at #womeninmedia
now @spicertracey begins. University was 95 {17ac88c265afb328fa89088ab635a2a63864fdefdd7caa0964376053e8ea14b3} women. #womeninmedia
Institutionalised sexism begins in the workplace, @spicertracey says. #womeninmedia
There is a missing generation of women who got sick of banging head against a brick wall @spicertracey #womeninmedia
@CJaustory – imposter syndrome, missing mentors, not rocking the boat and having it all @WIM_Aus #womeninmedia #MEAAmedia
When is the @AustralianStory on @CJaustory happening?!? Great to hear her share her story at #womeninmedia – honest & inspiring-Thank you!
#womeninmedia @CJaustory – very proud the day she joined the union. There to support all.
What can we do about the missing generation in media? Says @spicertracey at #womeninmedia…
Did a lot of women drop out of the media because it all got too hard? Asks @spicertracey at #womeninmedia
Victoria Laurie from WA Women in Media #womeninmedia
We wanted solidarity for women. Victoria Laurie from WA Women in Media #womeninmedia
It’s now time for Vickie Laurie from @wim_aus to take the stage: talking about the inspiration for WIM 8 years ago in WA! #womeninmedia
Solidarity among women in the media was behind the foundation of #womeninmedia in Perth says Vic Laurie
Huge range of subjects, says Victoria Laurie from WA Women in Media #womeninmedia
Victoria Laurie: WIM was never intended to be a man bashing exercise – they are always welcome! #womeninmedia
Very much enjoying the #womeninmedia hashtag tonight via the @walkleys event. I’m a big @CJaustory fan. Bravo.
#womeninmedia most female journo’s report on fact something your male colleagues haven’t learnt yet . Prone to their own opinion.
Inspire solidarity among women to ensure other women could progress in media, says Vicky Laurie from @WIM_Aus on organisation #womeninmedia
Why the compulsion to keep saying #womeninmedia isn’t about men bashing? Why would it be? Suggesting it could be is silly.
Great kickoff for #womeninmedia group. Mentoring + role modelling in media is critical to current + future calibre of media ppl @PrimaryCom
So many horror stories of sexist/inappropriate comments by male colleagues/bosses being shared at #womeninmedia
Victoria Laurie from WA Women in Media explains there will be many spinoffs. #womeninmedia
#weareallgeraldinedoogue says Victoria Laurie from WA Women in Media #womeninmedia
We have led Wimmers into the world of arts journalism. Victoria Laurie from WA Women in Media #womeninmedia
Victoria Laurie from WA Women in Media says they have just ordered their members to have fun. #womeninmedia
Following #womeninmedia? Why not read NM’s Women in the Media series, led by @wendy_bacon? #auspol
Victoria Laurie from WA Women in Media is grateful that the idea will now be national #womeninmedia
Good to hear from Victoria Laurie about WIM WA re: the dark arts of PR, comms … feeling very out of place at #womeninmedia …
The fabulous launch event for #womeninmedia is trending in Sydney
Top tips: keep it simple. Do what you said you would do. Connect with Afghan, Indian and other women Victoria Laurie from WA #womeninmedia
And @spicertracey says that when she got “boned”, she realised she needed to talk about women in the media #womeninmedia
. @traceyspicer says that as soon as announced it, mentors emerged #womeninmedia
Loving the #womeninmedia feed thanks @JennaPrice
Now introducing @Kate_McClymont as #womeninmedia first mentor.
Angela Mollard is our second mentor, national columnist for News #womeninmedia
Now @marinasgo can’t be here because she is Canberra. But she’s another mentor #womeninmedia
It’s also a phenomenon that echoes within Oz journalism education (@UOW__ excepted) @JennaPrice @Wendy_Bacon Cc @croakeyblog #womeninmedia
Now @JaneHolley48 is introduced as another mentor. She says she has benefitted from being mentored #womeninmedia
I can attest that absent #womeninmedia mentor @marinasgo is one of those terrific women who truly helps others.
Great Quote.. “There’s a special place in hell for women who don’t help women” @WIM_Aus #womeninmedia
Vanessa Liell is another mentor #womeninmedia
@margokingston1 @JennaPrice Great photo Margo & don’t usually comment on clothes, but just this once,..awesome t-shirt! Enjoy #womeninmedia
Not controversial to have a PR mentor surely! It’s #womeninmedia not just women in journalism.
Now Tanya Denning from NITV #womeninmedia
And we miss you @marinasgo! You are here in spirit :) – another amazing mentor #womeninmedia @wim_aus
Overwhelming to be in the same room as so many incredible journos, including @CJaustory @Kate_McClymont @spicertracey #womeninmedia Wow.
That’s all our mentors. Now Philippa McDonald explains how the mentoring will work. #womeninmedia
Philippa McDonald tells @CJaustory you were the reason I became a journalist. #womeninmedia
Mentors being introduced. What a line up! @Kate_McClymont @angelamollard @marinasgo @JaneHolley48 @#womeninmedia
Philippa explains that @CJaustory is the reason so many of us are involved with the media #womeninmedia
Philippa McDonald is filled with an excitement about what is possible #womeninmedia
@margokingston1 so enjoying the tweets from #womeninmedia. Remember watching Caroline on 4 crns. She was a big deal!
So many women – experienced women – are no longer leading our news agendas. #womeninmedia
“So many women are no longer leading our news agenda.” Philippa McDonald. #womeninmedia
I want to be in media #womeninmedia
We are all constantly evolving and we could benefit from fresh eyes with fresh views, says Philippa McDonald. #womeninmedia
Phillipa MacDonald: 1200 journalists lost their jobs last year. Sobering elephant in the room. #womeninmedia
Challenges include high number of women graduates and not getting the breaks, says Philippa McDonald. #womeninmedia
By the response to tonight and the scalping on Harris St, it’s clear there is a hunger for unity says Philippa McDonald. #womeninmedia
Sobering reminder of all the job losses and other profound challenges in the media in general. #womeninmedia
Hearing from @Philippa_mc on challenges for young women journalists in a changing industry #womeninmedia
“There is a generosity of spirit to reach out to other women.” Philippa McDonald. #womeninmedia
We aren’t the only WIM #womeninmedia . There is also Women in Mining.
The tweets coming in from #womeninmedia are unreal – wish I was there!! #envy
Fresh eyes looking in. That’s the crux of mentoring and now some great Aussie female journos will show how it’s done #womeninmedia
Philippa McDonald: Hunger for unity, engagement and a generosity of spirit is what #womeninmedia strive for @WIM_Aus #MEAAmedia
Networking. Mentoring. Making industrial demands, says Philippa McDonald. #womeninmedia
Equal pay on the agenda of #womeninmedia
“We want equal pay for equal status. Women don’t have enough money to retire on.” Philippa McDonald. #womeninmedia
important to address gender equity in boardroom and management says Philippa McDonald. #womeninmedia
Good news everyone … We are recording this wonderful event and we will be sharing all the speeches! #womeninmedia
Thrilled to be at the @WIM_Aus launch. Feeling psyched and excited #womeninmedia”
Huge thanks to Flip Prior @flipsidedown for her hard work for the #womeninmedia launch.
@JennaPrice did you see this: In non #womeninmedia news apparently Joe Hockey has explained he is “Fixing the joint”. #auspol
Standing room only at vibe-high #womeninmedia mentor launch – @walkleys & @mediaalliance working for female journos…
#womeninmedia applauds @JennaPrice for getting things done behind the scenes (including squeezing me in tonight, thanks Jenna!).
Almost jumping out of my chair reading the tweets of #womeninmedia tonight. Church!!!
And the lovely Jeanette Francis from SBS wins the door price #womeninmedia
Let’s build a girls club to rival the boys club, @spicertracey. #womeninmedia
Best advice ever given? Never give up. #womeninmedia
I don’t want to chase gender equality – I would rather see us chase mutual respect!
Female journos doin’ it for themselves, ‘creating a girls club to rival the boys club’ (@spicertracey) #womeninmedia…
Phillippa McDonald: ‘I liken a mentor to a guardian angel’ and best advice: ‘Never give up.’ #womeninmedia launch
And Victoria Laurie says @mattpeacock told her to go on a Trade Union Training Authority day. #womeninmedia
She also says her partner told her to send her bills promptly. #womeninmedia
It’s important to be encouraged, says @CJaustory #womeninmedia
. @spicertracey says she was told to stick her tits out more. #womeninmedia
Best advice for Vicki Laurie: “Go to a trade union day and think about your working conditions” @WIM_Aus #womeninmedia #MEAAmedia
Advice from #womeninmedia panel: never give up, get your bills paid (don’t subsidise Murdoch), honest encouragement is impt, be yourself
Stop trying to be someone else., says @spicertracey #womeninmedia
When she started as a newsreader, @spicertracey was told to stick her tits out more #womeninmedia
First advice to @spicertracey when she started as a newsreader – ‘Stick your tits out more’ #womeninmedia
I love it when I hear successful women talking about their own lack of confidence. Makes me feel normal #womeninmedia
I love it when I hear successful women talking about their own lack of confidence. Makes me feel normal #womeninmedia
Received pearls of wisdom: @Philippa_mc got told never to give up. @spicertracey got told to stick her tits out. Hm. #WomenInMedia
@spicertracey is optimistic on the power of social & new media to change the conversation #womeninmedia
A propos #womeninmedia, here’s a thing I wrote a bit ago on women writers & personal narratives…
We are now talking about @vanonselenP and his desire to have more women on his panel #womeninmedia
#womeninmedia tweets callng to mind piece on Murdoch t’other day re Col Allan creating a ‘frat house aura’ at the NYP
“@kcarruthers: @spicertracey is optimistic on the power of social & new media to change the conversation #womeninmedia”
“@keeweedoc: @croakeyblog friend and doctor was asked if she could wear any “more appealing” clothes for an interview #womeninmedia”
And that’s a wrap. We hope to have #womeninmedia online tonight.
OMG definitely @sallyjsara top quality foreign reporting and social advocacy #womeninmedia
Here’s a piece I did earlier this yr counting male/female bylines in newspapers. #womeninmedia
#womeninmedia can we ask Barrie to stop letting the girls have a nice lie-in on Sun mornings & find more women #Insiders ?
My twitter stream is colliding with #womeninmedia #womeninscience #ripplesofdoubt #ImpostorSyndrome Lots of parallels.
I salute you all – have given great education , inspiration & solidarity to this avid reader / viewer of quality media #womeninmedia
@barryrutherford @WIM_Aus just goes to show you don’t need to be a woman in media to appreciate women in media :) #womeninmedia
“@JennaPrice: We are banding together to build a women’s club to rival the men’s club. #womeninmedia”Whoo!!! Brava!!!
We raised nearly 600 bucks for bush fire relief at #womeninmedia We are putting it in the comm bank fund.
Goodness. “@margokingston1: First advice to @spicertracey when she started as a newsreader – ‘Stick your tits out more’ #womeninmedia”
Our resident journalist @Kristy_Platt is attending the @mediaalliance #womeninmedia tonight in Sydney. Looking forward to insight it brings
V happy 2 see old & new friends @ #womeninmedia w @TeganCotterill. Inspiring women & new @mindframemedia contacts…
Thank you @CJaustory for your wit and wisdom at the launch of #womeninmedia
@kcarruthers @spicertracey great to meet you Kate. We need to link worlds of #womeninIT & #womeninmedia @WIM_Aus
Good to feel the buzz at #WomeninMedia @WiM_Aus launch.Looks like lots of great women’s careers will be launched/nurtured/sustained thru it!
#womeninmedia have to be hot. A man can have a face like a smacked ass.
@angelamollard so lovely to meet you tonight at the #womeninmedia launch!
@spicertracey you were such an inspiration to listen to tonight at the #womeninmedia launch, I came away feeling inspired and hopeful
Congratulations on a stellar turn out @spicertracey for the #womeninmedia launch. As a late arrival I can confirm it was standing room only!
A really terrific night. “@spicertracey: Thank you @CJaustory for your wit and wisdom at the launch of #womeninmedia”
“@elissaratliff: you were such an inspiration to listen to tonight at #womeninmedia I came away feeling inspired and hopeful” Glad to hear!
So many tweets, the phone battery died! We had an amazing night at the @wim_aus launch – we’ll post the podcast in the morn #womeninmedia
@spicertracey Fantastic evening. So inspiring. So hopeful. #womeninmedia
Tonight was a treat. Huge thank you to @spicertracey and @cjaustory for a fantastic event. #womeninmedia