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Welcome to part three of the Queensland election coverage. The below entries cover the period from January 22 onwards. To follow the Twitter stream, see #qldvotes.
List of Qld election blogs:
- Jan 06 – Jan 16: Pt 1 Qld election blog 2015.
- Jan 17 – Jan 21: Pt 2 Qld election blog 2015.
- Jan 22 – Jan 25: Pt 3 Qld election blog 2015.
- Jan 26 – Jan 28: Pt 4 Qld election blog 2015.
- Jan 29 – Jan 30: Pt 5 Qld election blog 2015.
- Jan 31 – Feb 02: Pt 6 Qld election blog 2015.
- Feb 03 – Feb 05: Pt 7 Qld election blog 2015.
- Feb 06 – Feb 09: Pt 8 Qld election blog 2015.
- Feb 10 – Feb 11: Pt9 Qld election blog 2015.
- An archive of The Courier Mail’s front pages during election 2015.
- Tony Fitzgerald writes, “It would be sheer folly for anyone concerned to live in freedom in a democracy to vote for a political party which refuses to accept that there are limits on the proper exercise of democratic political power”: Queensland political ethics: A perfect oxymoron.
- Mark Willacy reports, “Corruption fighter Tony Fitzgerald has entered the Queensland election fray, attacking the Newman Government’s record and warning that it would be “sheer folly” to vote for a political party which “refuses to accept that there are limits on the proper exercise of democratic power”: Tony Fitzgerald savages Newman Government for ‘nepotism’, says it would be ‘folly’ to vote for LNP.
- Kim Stephens reports, “The Queensland Electoral Commission is believed to have repeatedly lobbied the LNP to close a fundraising loophole that enables it to avoid cash-for-access events being disclosed as party donations”: Electoral Commission urging LNP to declare cash-for-access funds.
- Joshua Robertson reports, “Rebels motorcycle club donates money to the LNP to show the party can’t prove where its funds are coming from either, after the premier accused Labor of taking donations from bikies”: Bikies donate money to the LNP to rubbish Campbell Newman’s claims.
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Important messages from Antony Green
- 2015 Queensland election preview
- Do Your Bit For Queensland History
- Antony Green’s Queensland election guide is now online
- Why Campbell Newman Advocates ‘Just Vote 1’
- 2015 Queensland Election – Summary of Candidates and Parties
- Legislative Assembly Calculator
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(January 25 2015) Day 20 – Newman fears bikie unionists
The attack ads
Vote Compass – Top election issues for 2015
LNP’s asset leasing plan, what’s promised
Bundaberg – Bikies donate to LNP
- Jorge Branco reports, “Labor Leader Annastacia Palaszczuk has accused Premier Campbell Newman of playing “gutter politics” over allegations of unions funnelling funds to Labor via bikie gangs”: Premier playing ‘gutter politics’.
- Joshua Robertson reports, “Rebels motorcycle club donates money to the LNP to show the party can’t prove where its funds are coming from either, after the premier accused Labor of taking donations from bikies”: Bikies donate money to the LNP to rubbish Campbell Newman’s claims.
- Amy Remeikis reports, “Premier Campbell Newman has changed tack on his claims criminal bikie gangs are funding the Labor Party, now saying it is for “Queenslanders to judge”: LNP claims it has refunded bikie ‘stunt’ donations.
- Eric Tlozek and Francis Tapim report, “A row has broken out over a new Liberal National Party advertisement highlighting union links to bikie gangs, as claims emerge that outlaw motorcycle clubs discussed donating to the LNP”: LNP’s new ad targets Labor over links between unions, bikie gangs.

7 News Brisbane: An outlaw motorcycle gang member has revealed he has donated money to the LNP as Campbell Newman pushes ahead with claims the ALP is being funded by bikies.

ABC News Qld: #qldvotes ‘This is what I hear’: Newman asked for connection between unions and bikies.
Bikies hit back at @theqldpremier 's claim they are secretly funding Labor, by donating to @LNPQLD #qldvotes pic.twitter.com/1LI0CPwuRk
— Steven Wardill (@stevenwardill) January 25, 2015
ETU says this is the last word on the matter. @abcnews #qldvotes #qldpol pic.twitter.com/Zc7OJ4Tlav
— Chris O'Brien (@COBrienBris) January 25, 2015
Asked about proof of bikie/union/ @QLDLabor links, @theqldpremier says it's the public that raises the issue with him. @abcnews #qldvotes
— Chris O'Brien (@COBrienBris) January 24, 2015
Given all the "excitement' the ETU has issued a followup for ur perusal http://t.co/IFMNWNi3va #qldvotes #qldpol pic.twitter.com/3V5wiPGqYz
— ETUQLD&NT (@etuqldnt) January 25, 2015
Call to Qld RSL to put LNP last
- “Independent senator calls on the RSL to back her call for voters to put Liberal National party candidates last at next week’s state election”: Jacqui Lambie calls on military might to oust LNP.
Clive Palmer adds to pile of election lawsuits
- “Palmer United Party leader Clive Palmer says he’s suing Queensland’s health minister for defamation. The outspoken mining magnate took to Twitter to announce the news on Sunday, just days after several senior Liberal National Party figures – including Premier Campbell Newman and Health Minister Lawrence Springborg – launched their own writs against radio shock jock Alan Jones”: Palmer says he’s suing health minister.
Gold Coast – Nursing
Labor policy on nurse grads #qldvotes pic.twitter.com/VQnUIoaXs7
— Melinda Howells (@MelindaHowells) January 25, 2015
At Griffith Uni #GoldCoast. @AnnastaciaMP pic.twitter.com/cKEL8bWzLo
— Leonie Mellor (@leoniemellor) January 24, 2015
With @AnnastaciaMP at Griffith Uni on #GoldCoast. Caption please? @abcnews #qldvotes pic.twitter.com/CXY8rpIrrh
— Leonie Mellor (@leoniemellor) January 24, 2015
Gold Coast – Broadwater rally against development

ABC News Qld: ‘Google doesn’t stack up’: Palaszczuk asks Newman to refer bikie-union allegations to authorities.
Only @QLDLabor will stand up and save the Broadwater, one of the Gold Coast's unique assets. #qldvotes #qldpol pic.twitter.com/bTC2yQy0D6
— Annastacia Palaszczuk (@AnnastaciaMP) January 25, 2015
Off to the Claim the Broadwater rally with @PennyTolandALP. Lovely day to be out on the water. #qldvotes #qldpol pic.twitter.com/z0hnyCRF3I
— Annastacia Palaszczuk (@AnnastaciaMP) January 25, 2015
@Qldaah @P4217 – hey GC u shud be here it's massive! #qldvotes2015 #qldpol pic.twitter.com/TNhWfkUukt
— Sheela (@OzSheela) January 25, 2015
Industrial relations plans
- Amy Remeikis reports, “Queensland Premier Campbell Newman spoke out against the GP co-payment and any possible changes to the GST, but he has nothing to say about the federal government’s plan to review industrial relations”: Campbell Newman fails to speak out about IR plans.
Warning, Labor candidates may be unionists
- Kim Stephens reports, “Labor candidates in four marginal southeast Queensland seats appear to be airbrushing their union links from their candidate profiles but the party has denied it is a deliberate directive to enhance chances of electoral victory”: Labor candidates omit union links from profiles.
News, opinion and analysis
#qldvotes She's my rock. pic.twitter.com/6e0Go40YLH
— David Marler (@Qldaah) January 24, 2015
#qldvotes No surprises, The Sunday Mail backs Newman: "LNP deserves chance to finish the job". pic.twitter.com/COOaHpjfH7
— David Marler (@Qldaah) January 25, 2015
(January 24, 2015) Day 19 – Google it
Ashgrove – Debate night
Tim Nicholls on promises only for elected candidates
Google it: Newman claims Labor must disprove his claims of unionist bikie gang funding

9 News Brisbane: Google it – Newman claims Labor must disprove his claims of unionist bikie gang funding
. @theqldpremier says up to @AnnastaciaMP to disprove his claim bikies supporting @QLDLabor. @abcnews #qldvotes2015 pic.twitter.com/7cCKbt40hF
— Chris O'Brien (@COBrienBris) January 24, 2015
Archive of The Courier Mail’s frontpages
- Are The Courier Mail’s front pages biased? Leave a comment at our @NoFibs archive here: “An archive of The Courier Mail’s front pages during 2015 #qldvotes”.
Alan Jones lawsuit expands
- Amy Remeikis reports, “More LNP MPs, including Health Minister Lawrence Springborg, have joined the defamation action against broadcaster Alan Jones”: More MPs join Alan Jones defamation action.
Campaigning in an electorate the size of Spain
- Blythe Moore reports, “When it comes to campaigning, the seat of Mount Isa in outback Queensland presents many unique challenges. Not only is the electorate bigger than Spain, large parts of it are extremely remote, accessible only by unsealed roads with no mobile phone coverage for hundreds of kilometres”: Campaigning in Queensland’s largest electorate.
Construction pillar crumbling
- Tony Moore reports, “One of the “four pillars” of Queensland’s economy – construction – is facing a 53 per cent decline in major projects by 2016, and the loss of 8000 jobs”: One of four pillars facing major downturn.
People’s forum fallout
- Bridie Jabour writes, “Although the premier was declared the winner of the people’s forum on Friday night, he was pressured into agreeing to sign up to the Fitzgerald principles”: Campbell Newman forced to endorse transparency principles.
- Amy Remeikis reports, “The leaders’ debate – allegedly the defining moment for political campaigns, where the major parties get to sell their message to an “undecided” public – underwhelmed its Brisbane audience, on a night where it wasn’t just the wet weather putting a dampener on proceedings”: Leaders uninspiring at Peoples’ Forum.
- Sky news reports, “Campbell Newman has prevailed in the Sky News Queensland people’s forum over Annastacia Palaszczuk, according to voters”: Voters with Newman at Qld people’s forum.
Here's @theqldpremier on the Fitzgerald principles. #pplsforum http://t.co/iV5qOVjgkv
— Sky News Australia (@SkyNewsAust) January 23, 2015
Mackay – For a “Stonger” Mirani
. @theqldpremier says up to @AnnastaciaMP to disprove his claim bikies supporting @QLDLabor. @abcnews #qldvotes2015 pic.twitter.com/7cCKbt40hF
— Chris O'Brien (@COBrienBris) January 24, 2015
In Mackay a 2nd @theqldpremier news conference on a day when too much democracy is barely enough. #qldvotes @abcnews pic.twitter.com/7MBwDhrdum
— Chris O'Brien (@COBrienBris) January 24, 2015
Toowoomba – LNP achievements
Local commitments not guaranteed if LNP candidates not elected says @theqldpremier #qldvotes #qldpol #7NewsQ pic.twitter.com/Uu2rREN4EU
— Geoff Breusch (@gbreusch) January 24, 2015
Casual bystander at @theqldpremier media conference, supporting @QLDLabor candidate Kerry Shine . @abcnews #qldvotes pic.twitter.com/4HhOrsYpxA
— Chris O'Brien (@COBrienBris) January 24, 2015
News, opinion and analysis
- Dean Peter Catt writes, “There is something very wrong here in this state. And the reporting about Queensland LNP MP Ian Walker in The Guardian and other places these past days highlights the problem”: Ian Walker corruption claims show problem with system, not MP.
#qldvotes Gang fight… The CM was watching something else . pic.twitter.com/7nOefOsfWT
— David Marler (@Qldaah) January 23, 2015
#qldvotes pic.twitter.com/bw5DHgnI60
— David Marler (@Qldaah) January 23, 2015
Newspoll in 3 key LNP seats – 13pc swing TPP
Campaign trail
Is this a Chaser joke? Who is this, seen campaigning for all four candidates in Bris Central?! http://t.co/WoywFiv0ND pic.twitter.com/Sb3Giuzxkf
— ABC Brisbane (@abcbrisbane) January 23, 2015
Media watch
Goodbye campaign jet. For a while there I knew what it was like to be a Rolling Stone. Just a little pic.twitter.com/mdIi5HNve8
— Shane Doherty (@ShaneDoherty9) January 25, 2015
@Qldaah Closed in shoes, pants, sunscreen. Everything else can make do
— Amy Remeikis (@AmyRemeikis) January 23, 2015
(January 23, 2015) Day 18 – Fitzgerald
Tony Fitzgerald enters the election campaign
- Tony Fitzgerald writes, “It would be sheer folly for anyone concerned to live in freedom in a democracy to vote for a political party which refuses to accept that there are limits on the proper exercise of democratic political power”: Queensland political ethics: A perfect oxymoron.
- Mark Willacy reports, “Corruption fighter Tony Fitzgerald has entered the Queensland election fray, attacking the Newman Government’s record and warning that it would be “sheer folly” to vote for a political party which “refuses to accept that there are limits on the proper exercise of democratic power”: Tony Fitzgerald savages Newman Government for ‘nepotism’, says it would be ‘folly’ to vote for LNP.
Newman to skip Ashgrove debate
Kim Stephens reports, “The Ashgrove candidates’ forum will go ahead – without its sitting member. Premier Campbell Newman has snubbed the forum which last election descended into bitterness, culminating with his refusal to shake then-MP Kate Jones’s hand”: Campbell Newman missing from Ashgrove debate.
Queensland Koalas take funding hit
- Alice Roberts reports, “CQ University adjunct research fellow Dr Alistair Melzer says the situation for koala populations is now dire across the state”: Koala conservation not a priority for politicians, academic says.
No seat win, no election promise
- “Queensland Premier Campbell Newman will not guarantee election promises in seats his Liberal National Party does not win”: LNP won’t commit to seats it doesn’t win.
Roy Morgan poll parsed through election calculator
#qldvotes Election calculator on Morgan poll:
It's Labor with the magic 45 and a 12.6% swing.http://t.co/tqrbpH2ek8 pic.twitter.com/Ty50ZMqCT5— David Marler (@Qldaah) January 23, 2015
Newspoll in three key LNP seats
Newspoll in key battleground seats finds double-digit swings away from LNP http://t.co/hDOMAlkDyu #qldvotes
— KAT FEENEY💃🚲🤪 (@katherinefeeney) January 23, 2015
Gun licence numbers surge under Newman
Registered gay relationships might have fallen under the LNP, but gun licenses are up, via @rosannebarrett #qldvotes http://t.co/gd85uRF94X
— Sarah Elks (@sarahelks) January 23, 2015
News, opinion and analysis
- Madonna King writes, “Let’s strip this story back to basics. Campbell Newman jumped on a plane and flew to Sydney to meet up with a NSW radio announcer, on the eve of his election as premier”: Too many questions over Newman.
- Bridie Jabour writes, “Informal street surveys in Rockhampton and Brisbane found younger people vaguely know him as a radio man and older men remember his football career”: Alan Jones is covering the election and he’s being sued by the premier, but do Queenslanders know who he is?
#qldvotes LNP & CM working together on more political ads: http://t.co/ahCVz6YYMX
— David Marler (@Qldaah) January 23, 2015
Top of the #Qldvotes Pops this Friday, goes to: The jingle for the ALP candidate for #Gregory: https://t.co/V5kqTqMrfu. Seen better? Share!
— KAT FEENEY💃🚲🤪 (@katherinefeeney) January 23, 2015
#qldvotes Croc policy: LNP says it removed 110 rogue crocs compared with Labor's 13. pic.twitter.com/ksmSY46xGY
— David Marler (@Qldaah) January 22, 2015
@Qldaah @couriermail IMITATION IS THE SINCEREST FORM OF FLATTERY pic.twitter.com/vEh10mktzL
— The NT News (@TheNTNews) January 23, 2015
Newman to sue Alan Jones
- Supreme court file summary: 820/15 Newman and another -V- Jones and another.
- Amy Remeikis reports, “Broadcaster Alan Jones has labelled Premier Campbell Newman a “political novice” for suing him during an election campaign”: Campbell Newman suing Alan Jones and 4BC.
- Joshua Robertson reports, “Queensland premier and his deputy, Jeff Seeney, have lodged a claim against the broadcaster and radio station 4BC”: Campbell Newman sues Alan Jones for defamation ‘over Acland mine comments’.
- “Sydney radio broadcaster Alan Jones is being sued for defamation by Queensland Premier Campbell Newman and Deputy Premier Jeff Seeney:” Campbell Newman, Jeff Seeney sue Alan Jones for defamation.

7 News Brisbane: Campbell Newman refers journalists to their lawyers when asked if they will be sued for repeating Alan Jones comments.

9 News Brisbane: Lawsuit funded by LNP: Newman says Alan Jones will have to justify his claims in court

9 News Brisbane: Newman built upon rubbish of Labor: Alan Jones reveals he is being sued by Newman & Seeney.
Lawrence Springborg's office confirms he is also suing Alan Jones for lleged defamation. @TimNichollsMP considering. @ABCNews #qldvotes
— Leonie Mellor (@leoniemellor) January 23, 2015
Alan Jones has my full support for telling the truth about @theqldpremier. I offer him financial support to fight any legal action #qldvotes
— Clive Palmer (@CliveFPalmer) January 23, 2015
HT @BowlerBarrister #qldvotes Newman & another V Jones & another. Don't you worry about that, journos. pic.twitter.com/XPyrDHS3Ef
— David Marler (@Qldaah) January 23, 2015
.@theqldpremier looking at dirty laundry. He's also sueing Alan Jones. @9NewsBrisbane #qldvotes pic.twitter.com/r6ff7kqr20
— Michael Best (@michaelbesty) January 23, 2015
Cash for access
- Kim Stephens reports, “The Queensland Electoral Commission is believed to have repeatedly lobbied the LNP to close a fundraising loophole that enables it to avoid cash-for-access events being disclosed as party donations”: Electoral Commission urging LNP to declare cash-for-access funds.
Mt Ommaney – Dirty laundry
Hooley Dooley! One of these linen bags just fell from above. As @theqldpremier and journos walked under. @abcnews pic.twitter.com/v88uW9vJgE
— Leonie Mellor (@leoniemellor) January 23, 2015
Brisbane – Renewable energy and solar farm
- @NoFibs: 5/06/14 “Queensland Treasurer Tim Nicholls has labeled people who took advantage of the Bligh Government’s solar rebate scheme as “champagne sippers” and being part of the “latte set”: Those solar powered, champagne sipping, latte drinkers.
Wet day for a solar policy but "I can't control the weather," says @AnnastaciaMP #qldpol #qldvotes @abcnews pic.twitter.com/xdlikjGZYW
— Chris O'Brien (@COBrienBris) January 23, 2015
Climate change a semi-religious belief
- Mark Willacy and Mark Solomons report, “The mayor of a major Queensland council has signed a statutory declaration stating Queensland Deputy Premier Jeff Seeney dismissed climate change as “a semi-religious belief” during a tense meeting in his office”: Jeff Seeney said climate change ‘semi-religious belief’: Queensland mayor signs statutory declaration stating Deputy Premier made comment.
Dancing ‘Mermaid’ Ray Stevens for cabinet position
- Amy Remeikis reports, “Gold Coast chicken-dancing MP Ray Stevens is still in the mix for a cabinet position if the LNP wins government”: Dancing Ray Stevens could join cabinet.
Brisbane – Greens public transport
On way to launch @QldGreens policy for more affordable, frequent public transport. Fairer fares & zones! #qldvotes pic.twitter.com/R4OZPdtRKF
— Larissa Waters (@larissawaters) January 23, 2015
QLD Greens launch new vision for public transport. Lower fares, better services. #qldvotes #green15 #qldvotes2015 http://t.co/IJJ58YmIJE
— Queensland Greens (@QldGreens) January 23, 2015
Bookies update
QLD election betting:
LNP $1.14 (was $1.10 and even $1.08)
Labor $5.50 (was $6.50 and even $7.00)— Stephen Koukoulas (@TheKouk) January 22, 2015
Campaign trail
LNP Member for Whitsunday Jason Costigan has called #qldvotes "the grubbiest ever". More at: http://t.co/7TQ8ItuNWJ pic.twitter.com/ipjZwu94jc
— David Marler (@Qldaah) January 23, 2015
LNP bus crosses paths with anti-LNP billboard bikes #Qldvotes pic.twitter.com/nqR7IyzisS
— Melinda Howells (@MelindaHowells) January 22, 2015
Oh dear #qldvotes pic.twitter.com/QRmVCOYHNN
— KAT FEENEY💃🚲🤪 (@katherinefeeney) January 22, 2015
Fed ALP power deployed to key SEQ seat: MP Kate Ellis hits soggy hustings w Greenslopes candidate Joe Kelly #qldvotes pic.twitter.com/oaiLG9cyBB
— KAT FEENEY💃🚲🤪 (@katherinefeeney) January 22, 2015
Media watch
Early start for media covering @AnnastaciaMP @abcnews #qldvotes But on the other hand: pic.twitter.com/BMk38DyPIW
— Chris O'Brien (@COBrienBris) January 22, 2015
We'll all be rooned @nick__w: "Rains 'ere" @ShaneDoherty9 and @COBrienBris at early morning #qldvotes photo op http://t.co/tLQC3CEvAs”
— Chris O'Brien (@COBrienBris) January 22, 2015