Margo Kingston

Margo Kingston

Co-publisher and editor-in-chief at No Fibs
Margo Kingston is a retired Australian journalist and climate change activist. She is best known for her stint as Phillip Adams’ ‘Canberra Babylon’ contributor and her work at The Sydney Morning Herald and #Webdiary. Since 2012, Kingston has been a citizen journalist, reporting and commenting on Australian politics via Twitter and No Fibs.
Margo Kingston
Independent candidate for Cowper Rob Oakeshott. Photo: supplied

Margo Kingston (@margokingston1) sat around the kitchen table with Rob Oakeshott (@RobOakeshott1), Kate (Rob’s niece), Beth (Rob’s scheduler), Melwyn (Rob’s fundraising manager) and Jack, Rob’s videographer who has recently posted a fact check response video to the latest Nationals’ advert.

Rob Oakeshott has been campaigning in the NSW Cowper electorate as an Independent, facing unprecedented personal attacks from the Nationals.

Everybody is getting tired and edgy, and you just worry that the relentless negativity is having an impact on people.

Rob Oakeshott

Despite it all, Rob is largely grateful that the consequence of so much political attention elevating the electorate of Cowper to the national stage and the recent local funding announcements that have followed.

I think the most exciting bit is that it doesn’t just have to be for the period of an election campaign — this could be what life is like for the next three years, where finally the conversation from parliament is one that aligns with what’s being talked about on the main streets, rather than being completely different and aloof.

Rob Oakeshott

Listen to No Fibs’ previous podcast with Rob Oakeshott here.

You can support Rob Oakeshott by following him on social media, reading over his website, subscribing to No Fibs podcast on iTunes and sharing this podcast across your networks.
