A volunteer for Sophie Scamps in Mackellar,
Beth wrote this poem the day after the election.
They Listened to the Voices
And so,
The people took charge
Of the Country
In it’s near wreckage
Of climate, humanity and ethics
Much like after
A tornado
When the Amish
Come to rebuild,
Raise the barn
Of a friend
Quietly they met
In kitchens,
Around tables
Women mostly,
Singles, mothers of families
And some good men
Shared coffee, tea, wine,
Pizzas, cakes and stories
Of their dreaded concerns
Their ideas, their hopes and
Dreams for a better world
And they slowly
Started to rebuild “the Village”,
In one kitchen
Then another
And then another
With sleeves rolled up
They spread
Their big idea
To listen to the people
And with united will,
The tipping point was reached
A grassroots movement
Some called it
But more than that
In the coming together
Of these hidden, unheard voices
They unearthed what was missing
In their own lives
Community, real community
Of like minds
Who found that in the power of giving
Much was born and gained
They built their tribe
On camaraderie, friendship, kindness
And hard, honest work
The sharing of something for the whole
Became the force
Of this movement
They became the voice
Of the people
And in return the citizens,
Raised their voice in the cities and villages
So, a new day dawns in Australia
A quiet, inner glow has settled
In the hearts of millions
Maybe this people’s movement
To save our beautiful Earth
Could spread to other kitchens
In other Countries
This Barn has been raised
And it’s strong and good
And will weather whatever comes
It’s built on firm ground
Of love, truth and shared humanity
Feature image: Listening to the Voices – #MackellarVotes (Photo: Leonie Scarlett)
No Fibs #MackellarVotes coverage
- 1. #transitzone interview with Sophie Scamps before she decided to stand.
- 2. Sophie Scamps’ campaign launch speech, December 2021
- 3. Twitter’s report on Sophie Scamps’ launch.
- 4. #transitzone interview with Sophie Scamps’ wing woman, Louise Hislop.
- 5. Women of #MackellarVotes rose: Voices of Mackellar cofounder Leonie Scarlett on the miracle win
- 6. Elation and relief after volunteering for Sophie Scamps at #MackellarVotes: Paul Boland’s story
- 7. Julie Donald’s story on that ear shattering moment on election night when #MackellarVotes made history
- 8. Michael Osbourne’s story: Regret for voting for Morrison and redemption by voting for Sophie Scamps #MackellarVotes
- 9. From GetUp!, Lock the Gate and Stop Adani to volunteering for #MackellarVotes: Joy Nason’s story
- 10. It started with a swim cap: Jan proudfoot’s ‘Paddler’s Club’ #MackellarVotes volunteer story
- 11. Alice Thompson’s #IndependentsDay campaign in 2019