John Pratt (@JackTheLad1947) Looks At The Great Barrier Reef From Cairns – #TheReefReport.

Gary Oliver Kuku-Yalanji Rainforest to Saltwater man: @Jackthelad1947 #ReefReport #podcast
Gary Oliver’s ancestors have been looking after the rainforest and the Great Barrier Reef around Mosman in far north Queensland for over 50,000 years. He has served in the Australian army and has extensive public service experience. Oliver is the Greens candidate for Leichhardt, a huge electorate which runs from Cairns up through Cape York […]
Divers keeping #ClimateAction afloat: @JacktheLad1947 #ReefReport #podcast
Tanya Murphy has worked on the Great Barrier Reef as a diving instructor for SunLover Reef Cruises for seven years. Her love for coral brought her to Cairns. In this interview she talks about witnessing the 2016-2017 coral bleaching events and how this led her to starting Divers For Reef Conservation. My first dive on […]
Conservation and tourism join forces to #VoteForTheReef: @Jackthelad1947 #AusVotes #TheReefReport
Around 150 businesses and tourism operators in Far North Queensland are joining Australia’s peak marine conservation group to call on all parties in the federal election to protect the Great Barrier Reef from the impacts of climate change. The group, which includes 20 reef tourism operators and businesses from hospitality and retail to law and […]
We’re now well beyond #ClimateEmergency: @Jackthelad1947 interviews @MorganPratchett for #TheReefReport
Professor Morgan Pratchett is a research fellow at the ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies, based at James Cook University, Townsville. He has broad interests in population and community ecology of coral reef organisms, especially corals and fishes. His current research focuses on major disturbances that impact coral reef ecosystems, with a view […]
Marine conservationist @DavidCazzulino taking #ClimateAction in Cairns: @Jackthelad1947 #TheReefReport audio interview
This week has been full of devastating news about the effects of climate on the Great Barrier Reef. I interviewed David Cazzulino from Australian Marine Conservation Society Cairns. David talks about the link to climate change and the damage it’s doing to coral. On The bright side he covers the Fight For The Reef campaign. […]
Chief Scientist at #GBR Marine Park Authority fears heavy damage from #CycloneTrevor: @Jackthelad1947 #TheReefReport
Our climate is warming and this is causing changes in the Great Barrier Reef ecosystem which makes the Reef more vulnerable to possible impacts particularly over summer and cyclone season. In 2016 and 2017 there was unprecedented back-to-back coral bleaching on the Reef north of Cairns. Fortunately this bleaching was not repeated in the summer of 2018, but the […]
The @NoFibs #IndependentsDay Twitter mission at #ausvotes: @margokingston1 comments
The way I see it, every safe Coalition seat must be in play in the sense that quality indies ask tough questions incumbents are forced to answer. That requires courageous indies & committed, creative citizens because a weakened local media can’t do it. Ready to play? #ausvotes — Margo Kingston (@margokingston1) February 22, 2019 Hi. […]
Hastie faces #CanningVotes senior wrath over human rights abuses of Government: @Jackthelad1947 reports
The National Seniors held a forum, Monday, at the Mandurah Netball Pavilion. The Forum was opened by, Michael O’Neill CEO of the Australian National Seniors presented. There were two candidates Andrew Hastie (Lib) and, Matt Keogh (@mattkeogh) (ALP). He said that other candidates had been invited and he had received apologies from, Dr Vanessa Rauland […]
Hastie solar forum no show while #CanningVotes talks renewable energy: @Jackthelad1947 reports
The Australian Solar Council held a Save Solar Forum at Mandurah Bowling and Recreation Club on Sunday. As the national voice of the solar industry they have invested more than $60,000 into the Canning by-election in an effort to save jobs and cut power bills for the people of Canning. The Solar Council says that […]
Candidates of #CanningVotes say any rorts in office and they’ll resign: @Jackthelad1947 reports
Union members campaigned as people arrived at the Canning peoples forum at the Bendigo Bank Stadium in Mandurah on Thursday night. Andrew Hastie, the Liberal candidate for Canning was asked for his thoughts on the Syrian Crisis. Hastie replied: Look at the heart of the Syrian and Iraq problem is Islamic State and in my […]
Hastie’s climate change action focus on economy in #CanningVotes: @Jackthelad1947 reports
The Mandurah Pre-Poll voting centre is located at the beautiful SeaShells resort, voters arriving Tuesday were greeted by the Liberal, Labor, Greens and Palmer United parties. It was a sunny spring day and a steady stream of people were flowing in to vote. There was a lot of excitement among the parties after the Roy […]
West Coast #Twitterati @Jackthelad1947 to report #CanningVotes from ground zero
Although I’m new to NoFibs, I have been blogging for over 10 years. I first met Margo Kingston in 2007 when she asked me to report on Leichhardt (Far North Queensland) electorate during the Kevin07 campaign. Leichhardt had the largest swing of the elction, 14{17ac88c265afb328fa89088ab635a2a63864fdefdd7caa0964376053e8ea14b3} to Labor. I now live in Mandurah, Western Australia in […]